Bush Day 2023

Bush Day 2023 - Best Ever!!!


There were 56 cars down the driveway at Oldiron Park on Sunday. All had one or two Airedales in them and a few had three. Longtime Airedalers Di Easter and Chris Woodgate came from Canberra. Di’s Airedales have won BIS at the Airedale Club and earlier the bitch challenge at Melbourne Royal in 1982! Chris was coming for a holiday weekend with her twelve and five yea old Airedales but the club is indebted to her for manning the barbarque on the day.

However, it was terrific to welcome the furthest travelled Airedaler John from Noosa with his lovely dog.

Not only did we all enjoy perfect weather. The Airedales took advantage of the mud hole which was even bigger, dirtier and wetter than ever. If your dog didn’t quite match the cars interior, it was soon going to, when your dog hopped in! The fittest owners and Airedales even did the walk twice. Well done Winston! Club sales were manned by our President, Keith and Trish supplied the soup, while David and Club Secretary Cathy bought the sausages.

And everyone went home with the BEST ONE!

Click below for a snapshot of this beautiful day!


Contact Details

The President
Warragul, VIC, Australia
Phone : 0419231129
Email : airedaleterrierclub.vic+president@gmail.com